An example of data that one would perform profile repeatability on. The data is synthetic data created for testing purposes and is designed to span a range of perceived repeatability scores. Consists of 11 individual animals, with data taken at 4 times (n_trials = 4), baseline (time = 0) and three stress-induced (time = 15, 30, and 45). Then, there are four replicate columns. Replicate column names refer to sample tests performed on the animal.
A dataframe with 44 rows and 6 columns:
- Animal
The animal name/unique identifier
The time of the measurement (unit not important)
- A
The (unimportant) name of a replicate column.
- B
The (unimportant) name of a replicate column.
- C
The (unimportant) name of a replicate column.
- D
The (unimportant) name of a replicate column.